Karma  's Memorial

(2005 - 2006)


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General Details

Name: Karma
Gender: Female
Type of Pet: My Best Friend My Dog
Breed: Staffordshire bull terrier
Age: 1 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 31 May 2005 - Monday, 30 October 2006

My Story

My Beautiful beloved "Karma",How my heart aches for you and your son "Doozy".(25 march 200630 oct 2006)...Tragically taken from me in a house fire.....I wear your ashes around my neck to help give me strength in this cruel world i live in...you were my true and only friends ...I lost every photo of you both except for a couple of puppies pics of you my mum still had...But my memories will never be taken from me ,neither will your bones and ashes that took me over a week to dig for.......I weep for you both everyday,but i hold on to the happy memories i have and play them in my head daily.......closing my eyes i can see and hear you both running happily flat out down the river channel...splashing and swimming....I Love you both and miss you ....i lost everything that day....i can replace the material things (not that i want to now)...but i can never ever replace my Karma........my reason for living...my strength...and Doozy,my funny little puppy...so shy and sensitive...Rest in peace angels.....I will be running to that bridge to greet you both one day soon.........YOU CAN TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME BUT MY MEMORIES!!!!!.

Latest Tributes

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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Karmasmum
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Sweet dreams Karma girl...3 years since the day i lost you..it gets harder each and every day i'm without you.....xxxx
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Karmasmum
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missing you my girl......how i wish i could wrap my arms around you...xoxoxox
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Karmasmum
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I love you....each day i miss you more xoxox
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Karmasmum
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Sweet Dreams my beautiful girl


Offsprings Names: Doozy
Country: Australia



Place of Passing: country victoria
Date of Passing: 30 October 2006
Cause of Passing: House Fire
Our Wishing Well

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1,334 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: Karmasmum on 28 October 2009    |     Back to Top

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