Amy  Firelight's Memorial

Amy Firelight
(2001 - 2013)


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General Details

Name: Amy Firelight
Nick Name: Weemee
Gender: Female
Type of Pet: Dog
Breed: West Highland White Terrier
Age: 11 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 30 May 2001 - Monday, 14 January 2013

My Story

Amy was born on May 30th 2001 and came to stay with us on the 28th July the same year.

I remember the Saturday I met you. Dad came in and said "close your eyes". He placed something in my lap and when I opened them, it was you my Amy puppy.  So started our beautiful friendship.
You loved to tell everyone you were about and people thought it was funny when I would put my finger up to my lips and tell you "shhh". You actually did quieten down.
You were a fiesty wee monster who loved motorbikes as you always thought it was your Uncle Rabbie coming to visit.
One of our special places was the beach. We could spend hours on the sand and walking along the prom on the way back home, you'd get up on your hind legs and clap your paws so you would get some attention from passersby. 
We discovered you had clicky back knees when you were a year old. They affected you more in the colder weather and as you got older, you got slower and slower in the winter months.
Apart from that, you were a really healthy Westie and I can count on one hand the number of vet visits we had to make with you.
When you slowed down this winter it didn't really worry me. When you started refusing to go on long walks, I wasn't unduly worried either. After all you were getting older. You were sleeping a lot but still eager to go outside, eating, though not as much, drinking and still wanting your loved daily dental stick, the last thing you ate.
Then one Sunday, I had you in the garden and your back legs gave way. I carried you upstairs and when you walked you were dragging your back left leg. You lay in your bed and fell asleep. Later, when you woke and stood up, you staggered like you were drunk. I phoned and got you an appointment with the vet. After the examination, we were told that you had liver failure and only had 48hrs to live. Even with treatment, you wouldn't last a month.
I looked into your eyes, they weren't as bright as they once had been, you licked my face. I cried as I carried you back through to the surgery. I did the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Rest in Peace my beautiful girly girl, my Weemee. xx

Amy died on the 14th January 2013 and broke my heart. <3

Latest Tributes

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Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Lizzeetee
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Weemee, we're picking Araidh up on Monday afternoon. He can never replace you, but I hope we have lots of fun times t...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: Lizzeetee
Song Name: Days
Artist: Kirsty MacColl
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Thank you Weemee. xx
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Midian
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I am so sorry for your loss. Here is a flower for Amy.
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Lizzeetee
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Moving into our new house tomorrow, the one you never got to see. I'm missing you so much Weemee, xx
Stone Memorial Tribute
From: Lizzeetee
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Thought I heard you padding into the kitchen earlier. Left you some stones...these are too big for you to toss around...
Incense Memorial Tribute
From: Lizzeetee
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it's too quiet here without you. xx
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: Lizzeetee
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I have a little Westie, Her coat, it is pure white. She really is a beauty, My Amy Firelight. ...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Lizzeetee
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Rest In Peace my beautiful girly girl. xx


Owners Names: Elizabeth Tomlinson
Other Family Pets: Stella
Country: United Kingdom
City: Dundee
Traits: wee upstart


Favourite Toy: Andy Puppy
Favourite Place: Anywhere lumpy and bumpy
Favourite Meal: Christmas dinner
Favourite Game: Footie
Favourite Trick: Standing on her hind legs and clapping her paws
Favourite Music: Anything mum was listening to
Type of Affection: Kisses and cuddles
Pet's Peeves: Stubborn as a mule
Other Interests:
Running away. Chasing motorbikes as she thought it was her Uncle Rabbie,


Place of Passing: Vets Surgery
Date of Passing: 14 January 2013
Cause of Passing: Liver Failure
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Our Wishing Well

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1,406 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: Lizzeetee on 19 January 2013    |     Back to Top

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